We Use Soapy Water to Save Lives

home inspector uses gas detector

Home inspectors carry an array of different tools in order to provide thorough and accurate inspections. One of the most important tools that we carry, is a spray bottle of soapy water.

In the video below you can see that this gas line to the meter is definitely leaking. The suds are bubbling up around the leak. The gas company game out a few minutes later, confirmed the leak, and shut off the gas.

My gas meter detected the leak, but I personally believe that a bottle of soapy water is irrefutable, so I like to use it.

Gas detector

We use our bottle of soapy water to confirm all suspected gas leaks that we find in the house, or outside at the meter. We feel its one of the most important procedures when inspecting a home.

Juan Jimenez

A House on a Rock Home Inspections LLC

God. Family. Home.



The Richmond Home Inspector